Leverage the highest-quality data available and apply any desired logic on top. Everything is STARK-proven, guaranteeing the security of the computation. Composability and modularity are now achievable for oracles.
Pragma offers a verifiable randomness feed that allows protocols to request secure randomness on-chain. The randomness proof is posted as calldata, and enables games, betting platforms or any other app to leverage verifiable randomness securely.
Introducing the Verifiable Random Function in Cairo 1
We are thrilled to announce the first phase of Pragma VRF, leveraging verifiable random functions to generate onchain verifiable randomness. Pragma VRF will greatly help...
We're thrilled to (officially) announce our bounty program on Immunefi, offering up to $50,000 for discovering vulnerabilities in our smart contracts. If you're proficient in Cairo and keen on assisting us in securing our Oracle...
Pragma is the leading Oracle on Starknet. It provides off-chain data to all DeFi happening on Starknet. Pragma is built from the ground up to remove any trust assumptions...
For as long as blockchains have been programmable, developers have attempted to bring data on-chain. Blockchains offer amazing properties, especially in terms of transparency, immutability, and openness...